BLHE 1100 – Basic Hebrew for Everyone (3)
This course is an elementary introduction to the Biblical Hebrew.
BLHE 1111 – Hebrew 1 (3)
A study of the fundamental principles of biblical Hebrew for students who have not had Hebrew or who would benefit from a review of the elements of the language.
BLHE 1112 – Hebrew 2 (3)
A study of Hebrew morphology and syntax as well as an introduction to textual criticism and the essential tools and methods of lexical analysis. (Prerequisite: BLHE 1111).
BLHE 1113 – Hebrew Exegesis (3)
An introduction to the exegesis of Hebrew narrative and poetry, including a review of Hebrew morphology, syntax, and lexical analysis in conjunction with the translation of selected Old Testament passages. (Prerequisite: BLHE 1112).
BLHE 1114 – Advanced Hebrew Exegesis (3)
An application of Hebrew exegesis built upon the exegetical study of selected passages, and a survey of the cultural, literary, and theological backgrounds of the Old Testament and an introduction to various forms of Old Testament criticism.
(Prerequisite: BLHE 1113).
BLHE 1191-3 – Directed Study (Hebrew Studies) (3)
Designed to explore particular areas of importance and interest and open to students who have achieved a 3.0 average or above. The academic dean must approve directed studies. (Prerequisite: BLHE 1114).
BLGK 1200 – Basic Greek for Everyone (3)
This course is an elementary introduction to the Biblical Greek.
BLGK 1201 – Greek 1 (3)
A study of the basic grammatical principles of biblical Greek, for students who have not had Greek or who would benefit from a review of the elements of the language. Greek 1 focuses on the nominal system of New Testament (Koine) Greek.
BLGK 1202 – Greek 2 (3)
A continuation of the study of the grammar of the Greek New Testament, with emphasis on the verbal system and brief discussions of relevant syntax. (Prerequisite: BLGK 1201).
BLGK 1203 – Greek 3 (3)
An introduction to New Testament Greek syntax utilizing an exegetical and linguistic approach. Greek 3 focuses on the syntactical options available for nouns, pronouns, and verbs. (Prerequisite: BLGK 1202).
BLGK 1204 – Greek 4 (3)
This course is the continuation of the study of New Testament Greek syntax. Greek 4 focuses on the syntactical options for elements beyond the noun and verb, and includes of discussion of discourse analysis and diagramming. (Prerequisite: BLGK 1203).
BLGK 1206 – Greek Texts, Textual Criticism, Translations (3)
A study of biblical passages on the inspiration and preservation of Scripture, the sources for and practice of NT textual criticism, different Greek NT editions and English translations, and the imbalanced positions of KJV-Onlyism and critical, unbelieving textual criticism. No prior Greek language study is required. This course is helpful and useful for any student of the Bible, regardless of the student’s knowledge level of the Greek language before the class. Prerequisite: BLGK 1201.
BLGK 1210 – Fundamentals of Greek Exegesis (3)
An introduction to in-depth Bible study using Greek references, principles of Greek grammar, and a process of analysis and synthesis resulting in the student’s drafting of a commentary on a New Testament epistle. (Prerequisite: BLGK 1201 and BLGK 1202).
BLGK 1230 – Greek Exegetical Methods (3)
Greek Exegetical Methods builds upon the skills learned in Elements of Greek. This course cultivates exegetical skills by developing a methodological context which presents the questions that exegesis needs to answer to be a valid analysis. An investigation of New Testament literary structures, genre, the nature of word studies, textual criticism, and a variety of other New Testament hermeneutical issues provide procedures for synthetic and analytical evaluation of the biblical text. (Prerequisite: BLGK 1201 and BLGK 1202).
BLGK 1240 – Exegesis of Pastoral Epistles (3)
A critical and exegetical study of the Pastoral Epistles in the Greek New Testament with a focus on Timothy, the historical and cultural milieu of these epistles will be investigated through language exegesis and theological analysis. Paragraph and grammatical structure analyses and outlining procedures as a means of exposing the meaning of the text will be the major focuses. The unique contribution of the pastoral epistles to the nature and order of the Church will be especially highlighted. Prerequisite: (BLGK 1201 and BLGK 1202).
BLGK 1250 – Exegesis of James (3)
An exegetical study of the Greek text with special attention to the structure, unity, and content of James, the course requires students to translate and diagram the epistle as a means of putting into practice the principles of exegesis. Prerequisite: (BLGK 1201 and BLGK 1202).
BLGK 1280 – Septuagint Greek Text: An Introduction (3)
A study of the Greek translations of the Old Testament. Includes an overview of its history, comparative grammar and translation, reception and development, importance for textual criticism, and the use in the New Testament. Prerequisite: (BLGK 1201 and BLGK 1202).
BLGK 1291-93 – Directed Study (Greek Studies) (3)
Designed to explore particular areas of importance and interest and open to students who have achieved a 3.0 average or above. The academic dean must approve directed studies. (Prerequisite: BLGK 1202 and BLGK 1230).
Biblical Languages & Computer Technology:
BLCT 1806 – Computer-Assisted Biblical Exegesis (3)
Recognizing the strategic stewardship of time, depth of study, and breadth of accuracy computer technology offers for academic pursuits in Biblical studies. The course is designed to train the participant in the optimum use of one of many leading Bible Software programs, including BibleWorks, Logos, PC Study Bible (Bible Soft), Pradis (Zondervan), Quick Verse, or WordSearch. The course implements and optimizes the use of computer Bible software for Biblical exegesis consistent with sound hermeneutical principles.
Biblical Introductions:
BSBI 2001 – Old Testament Introduction (3)
A study of the historical background and canon of the Old Testament and evaluation of Old Testament criticism, and an examination of specific issues with selected Old Testament books.
BSBI 2002 – New Testament Introduction (3)
A study of the historical background and canon on the New Testament, an evaluation of New Testament criticism, and an examination of specific issues with selected New Testament books.
BSBI 2031 – Old Testament Survey 1 (3)
A study of the structure and argument of each book from Genesis to Jeremiah, including a survey of the history of Israel and of the peoples in the ancient Near East whose history influenced the Jewish nation.
BSBI 2032 – Old Testament Survey 2 (3)
A study of the structure and argument of each of the Poetical books and the Prophets, as well as of the ancient Near Eastern peoples whose history influenced the Jewish nation.
BSBI 2041 – New Testament Survey 1 (3)
A study of the Gospels through Acts. Included in the study are outlines of each book, with an emphasis on the biblical theology of these books, discussions of current problems, and their application.
BSBI 2042 – New Testament Survey 2 (3)
A study of the Romans through Revelation. Included in the study are outlines of each book, with an emphasis on the biblical theology of these books, discussions of current problems, and their application.
BSBI 2060 – Study Tour (3)
A study tour of biblical sites with emphasis upon the historical, geographical, and archaeological orientation of the various sites.
BSBI 2091-93 – Directed Study (Biblical Introductions) (3)
A directed study of the Old Testament from the standpoint of the contributions of the various authors of that portion of the Bible, looking at each author as a “voice” which makes its unique contribution to the completed canon of Scripture. (Prerequisite: BSBI 2001).
Old Testament:
BSOT 2101 – The Pentateuch (3)
A study of the Pentateuch (Genesis to Deuteronomy) with an emphasis on the historical setting, genre, structure, purpose, biblical theology, and application of these books. Special attention will be given to creation, fall, flood, God’s creation of Israel and His covenants and dealings with her.
BSOT 2102 – Historical Books (3)
A study of the historical books (Joshua through Esther) with an emphasis on the setting, genre, structure, key dates and persons, biblical theology, and key events of these books. Special attention will be given to the conquest of Canaan, the sin cycle of Judges, the development of the monarchy, the Davidic Covenant, the rise and fall of Israel and Judah, the Assyrian and Babylonian threats and the Exile.
BSOT 2103 – Wisdom Literature (3)
A study of the wisdom literature (Job through the Song of Solomon) with an emphasis on the historical setting, literary genre, purpose, theology, and application of these books. Special attention will be given to the concept of Hebrew wisdom, type and function of Hebrew poetry, retribution theology, figures of speech, and hermeneutical issues.
BSOT 2104 – The Prophets (3)
A study of the Old Testament prophets (Isaiah through Malachi) with an emphasis on historical setting, message, purpose, genre, structure, dates, theological emphasis, and application of these books. Special attention will be given to the history of Old Testament prophecy, the role of the prophets, divine judgment and salvation, and God’s plan for Israel and the nations.
BSOT 2301 – Genesis (3)
An exposition of the Old Testament book of Genesis, with an emphasis on the book’s biblical theology, genre, and application.
BSOT 2304 – Major Prophets (3)
A study of the Old Testament major prophets (Isaiah through Daniel) with an emphasis on historical setting, message, purpose, genre, structure, dates, theological emphasis, and application of these books. Special attention will be given to the history of Old Testament prophecy, the role of the prophets, divine judgment and salvation, and God’s plan for Israel and the nations.
BSOT 2105 – Minor Prophets (3)
A study of the Old Testament minor prophets (Hosea through Malachi) with an emphasis on the historical setting, purpose, dates, genre, structure, theme, and theology and application of these books. Special attention will be given the canonical and chronological order, prophetic oracles, rhetorical devices and God’s redemptive plan for Israel and the nations.
BSOT 2402 – Daniel and Revelation (3)
A detailed survey, exposition, and synthesis of the Old Testament book of Daniel and the New Testament book of Revelation, with an emphasis on the biblical theology, genre, and application of these two books.
BSOT 2450-53 – Directed Study (Old Testament Exposition) (3)
Designed to explore particular areas of importance and interest and open to students who have achieved a 3.0 average or above. Directed studies must be approved by the by the academic dean.
New Testament:
BSNT 2501 – Synoptic Gospels and Acts (3)
A survey and exposition of the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke), and Acts, with an emphasis on the biblical theology of these books, their genre, and their application.
BSNT 2502 – Paul’s Early Letters (3)
(Galatians. 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Corinthians, and Romans)
BSNT 2503 – Paul’s Later Letters (3)
(Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, Titus, 1-2 Timothy)
BSNT 2621 – Johannine Literature (3)
A survey and exposition of the Gospel of John, 1, 2, 3 John, And Revelation with an emphasis on the biblical theology of these books, their genre, and their application.
BSNT 2505 – Hebrews And General Epistles (3)
(James, 1-2 Peter, and Jude)
BSNT 2504 – Gospel of John (3)
A survey and exposition of the Gospel of John, with an emphasis on the book’s biblical theology, genre, and application.
BSNT 2601 – Life of Christ (3)
A historical and theological synthesis and overview of the life and ministry of Christ, with a primary focus on the Gospels.
BSNT 2607 – Prison Epistles (3)
A survey and exposition of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon with an emphasis on the book’s biblical theology, genre, and application.
BSNT 2612 – 1&2 Thessalonians (3)
A survey and exposition of 1&2 Thessalonians with an emphasis on the book’s biblical theology, genre, and application.
BSNT 2615 – Pastoral Epistles (3)
A survey and exposition of 1&2 Timothy, and Titus with an emphasis on the book’s biblical theology, genre, and application.
BSNT 2618 – Epistles of Peter & Jude (3)
A survey and exposition of 1,2 Peter & Jude, with an emphasis on the biblical theology of these books, their genre, and their application.
BSNT 2621 – Johannine Epistles (3)
A survey and exposition of the Gospel of John and, 1, 2, 3 John with an emphasis on the biblical theology of these books, their genre, and their application.
BSNT 2705 – Acts and the Mission of the Church (3)
A survey and exposition of Acts, with an emphasis on the book’s biblical theology, genre, and application.
BSNT 2706 – Romans (3)
A detailed survey and exposition of the book of Romans, with an emphasis on the book’s biblical theology, genre, and application.
BSNT 2709 – Galatians (3)
A detailed survey and exposition of the New Testament book of Galatians, with an emphasis on the book’s biblical theology, genre, and application.
BSNT 2719 – Hebrews (3)
A detailed survey and exposition of the New Testament book of Hebrews, with an emphasis on the book’s biblical theology, genre, and application.
BSNT 2720 – Epistle of James (3)
A detailed survey and exposition of the New Testament book of James, with an emphasis on the book’s biblical theology, genre, and application.
BSNT 2727 – Revelation (3)
A detailed survey and exposition of the New Testament book of Revelation, with an emphasis on the book’s biblical theology, genre, and application.
BSNT 2801-03 – Directed Study (New Testament Exposition) (3)
Designed to explore particular areas of importance and interest and open to students who have achieved a 3.0 average or above. The academic dean must approve directed studies.
MSAD 3000 – Church Administration (3)
A consideration of biblical and practical principles for administering the affairs of the local church. This course includes both business and spiritual areas and particularly underscores the role of the pastor in conducting the various types of public services. A study of church stewardship planning based on biblical principles. It is a study of what God has to say about financial practices coupled with standard bookkeeping methodology. It defines the work of the church treasurer, financial secretary, budget, finance committee, and other church financial officers and terms.
MSAD 3010 – Governance and Administration of Non-Profit Ministry Organizations (3)
The leadership of a non-profit ministry organization presents unique challenges, limitation, and advantages. This course exposes students to theories of governance and administration intending to helping them interact effectively with all levels of an organization from any position within that organization.
MSAD 3020 – Financial Management of Non-Profit Ministry Organizations (3)
Prudent planning and management of organizational finances are essential to continued success. Financial management challenges in the non-profit organization include planning, fundraising, marketing, oversight, and accountability. Students interact with all aspects of their organization’s finances to gain proficiency in the rudiments of financial oversight.
MSAD 3030 – Introduction to Microsoft Office (3)
This all-in-one training course provides comprehensive instruction on popular MS Office programs: Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, and PowerPoint.
Biblical Counseling:
MSBC 4001 – Theological Foundations in Biblical Counseling (3)
This course consists of a study of the key theological concepts that form the foundation of a biblical counseling process model. Course distinctions include: (1) The nature of God; (2) the nature of man; (3) the image of God in man; (4) the nature of sin; (5) regeneration and progressive sanctification; (6) the biblical concept of “flesh;” (7) the definition of essential biblical concepts including “soul, spirit, heart, mind, and conscience;” and (8) an overview of key biblical passages such as Romans 5-8.
MSBC 4002 – Introduction to Biblical Counseling (3)
An introduction to pastoral and church-related methods of counseling. Consideration is given to the scriptural background for counseling, the counselor and counseling, the counselee in counseling, the counseling process, and some of the most common problems that people face.
MSBC 4007- Premarital and Marital Counseling (3)
A study with a dual focus: The first part of the course focuses on the need for and value of premarital counseling and the development of a specific premarital counseling program. The second part of the course deals with various approaches to marital counseling, with an emphasis on specific tools and interventions available in counseling couples.
MSBC 4012 – Marriage and Family Counseling (3)
A study of the biblical concept of marriage and the specific Scripture passages that relate. The student will be challenged to lead couples to biblical solutions to marriage conflict. Specific topics include communication, the purpose of marriage, gender roles, the sexual relationship, adultery, finances, raising children, and the dynamics of counseling couples. In addition, the course will include a study of the relevant Scripture passages dealing with the issue of divorce and remarriage with the goal of leading the student to a biblical view of the issue and an application of that view to counseling situations. The course concludes with an examination of specific counseling cases in a church setting.
MSBC 4017 – Special Issues in Marital Counseling (3)
A focused study of the biblical principles of marital counseling.
MSBC 4022 – Crisis Counseling (3)
An exploration of common crises that counselees may encounter. Attention is given to critical counseling situations and appropriate interventional responses that are informed by biblical solutions.
MSBC 4031 – Recovery Ministry (3)
Through this course, learners will understand the biblical and ministry foundations of a recovery ministry and will develop strategic approaches for either the launch or upgrade of a recovery program. The course will explore the addictive personality and how it is revealed in different ways, such as through chemical addiction, sexual addiction, relationship addiction, eating disorders, and religious addiction.
MSBC 4041-3 – Directed Study (Biblical Counseling) (3)
Designed to explore particular areas of importance and interest and open to students who have achieved a 3.0 average or above. The academic dean must approve directed studies.
Christian Education:
MSCE 4501 – Introduction to Christian Education (3)
A survey of what Christian education is and its philosophical and historical backgrounds with an overview of the local church’s total educational program. Study of the curriculum, principles, and methods, of Christian Education as they apply within the context of a local church.
MSCE 4504 – Leadership (3)
This course will examine the biblical and practical principles vital for leadership in the Christian ministry.
MSCE 4510 – Teaching for Impact (3)
An introduction to basic biblical communication theory and skills, emphasizing the preparation and delivery of a textually derived proposition with accuracy, interest, clarity, and relevance. This course is a practical course where students gain experience in the preparation, organization, and presentation of lessons using different delivery models.
MSCE – Strategies for Childhood Ministry (3)
A study of the various strategies to prepare Christian educators in the local church for effective ministry with preschoolers, children, and their parents.
MSCE – Ministry to Parents (3)
A study of ministry to parents of children. Emphasis is given to biblical principles of rearing children for parents in local churches.
MSCE – Strategies for Youth Ministry (3)
A study of the various strategies used in the local church for effective ministry to youth. Areas to be covered include: Parent ministry, strategies for developing effective lay youth leaders, methods for establishing youth committees, councils, and other support teams, as well as other topics related to developing a strategic youth ministry that has purpose and supports the biblical functions of the local church.
MSCE – Youth Ministry and Spiritual Life (3)
A study of the various factors in adolescence that influence spiritual growth. Areas to be covered include how social, physical, emotional, and cognitive development influences the spiritual development of adolescents; how culture impacts the spiritual formation of youth; using proper biblical guidance in dealing with youth issues related to spiritual maturity; and how youth ministers and ministries can best address these needs through the church.
MSCE – Issues in Youth Ministry (3)
A study of contemporary issues in youth culture today and how church youth ministers can best address those issues through the church. This course will include identifying top issues as identified by youth; applying proper responses in the discovery, confrontation, and resolution of issues in the lives of youth; and becoming acquainted with different sources of help for resolving problems in the lives of the youth. A strong emphasis will also be given to establishing a biblical foundation for dealing with these issues.
MSCE – Adult Education in the Church
An objective study of adult ministry in the local church. Specific emphasis is given to the educational needs of singles, young adults, median adults, and senior adults. Consideration is also given to the skills needed to develop effective adult leaders.
MSCE 4516 – Ministry of Women (3)
A guided study of a woman’s role in the church and society. Areas such as character development, New Testament principles, and the ministry of women in family, church, community, and missionary endeavor will be considered.
MSCE 4513 – Effective Small Group Ministry (3)
A focused study of the principles and practices of implementing and maintaining an effective small group ministry in the local church.
MSCE 4531-3 – Directed Study (Christian Education) (3)
Designed to explore particular areas of importance and interest and open to students who have achieved a 3.0 average or above. Directed studies must be approved by the by the academic dean.
MSCE 4541-8 – Christian Service (0)
Christian service is an integral part of the educational philosophy of Grace Biblical Seminary. All students are required to minister in some area of Christian service during their enrollment at the Seminary. An essential part of Christian service is to help students discover and develop their spiritual gifts and talents. Christian service offers the opportunity for students to apply classroom instruction and theory to practical ministry experiences.
Personal Evangelism:
MSEM 5001 – Personal Evangelism (3)
A study of the methods of personal and group evangelism, with emphases on equipping laypersons to evangelize, the use of the church and parachurch structures in evangelism, the care of new converts and discipleship, and the use of apologetics as well as current issues in evangelism.
MSEM 5007 – Introduction to Cults and World Religions (3)
An introductory study of the major cults and religions of the world. Special attention will be given to the Christian’s approach to the followers of other faiths.
MSEM 5091-93 – Directed Study (Evangelism) (3)
Designed to explore particular areas of importance and interest and open to students who have achieved a 3.0 average or above. Directed studies must be approved by the by the academic dean.
MSEM – An introduction and in-depth overview of missions and its related concepts including its Biblical basis, its variety of ministries and personal involvement from the calling to service on the field. The course also includes a survey of the major target areas of world missions today.
MSEM 5104 – Introduction To Cross-Cultural Ministry (3)
This course is designed to introduce the future missionary to the study of other cultures. Also, students will learn concepts and methods that will help them acquire a good understanding of the society, culture, and customs of the people to whom they may be called to minister. This emphasis will enable the student to appropriate strategies for reaching those of other cultures or with different worldviews to effectively communicate the Gospel.
MSEM 5107 – Global Focus of the Local Church (3)
A course introducing the world missions ministry of the local church grounded in the Great Commission. In addition to presenting the Biblical basis for missions, the course identifies Biblical strategies for developing a church missions ministries that motivate and maximize individual and corporate participation.
MSEM 5121 – Missions Practicum (3)
A mission trip to a foreign country to acquaint the student with missionary life and work. Assignments include detailing the history and culture of the target people group and a variety of practical hands-on ministries, depending on the needs of the mission team.
MSEM 5126 – Biblical Theology of Missions (3)
Gives the student a Biblical foundation for missions by tracing the missions theme through the Bible. The course works toward a grasp of the theological factors directly impacting missions.
MSEM 5131-93 – Directed Study (Mission) (3)
Designed to explore particular areas of importance and interest and open to students who have achieved a 3.0 average or above. Directed studies must be approved by the by the academic dean.
MSEM 5201 – Dynamics of Discipleship (3)
The purpose of this course is to equip students for the roles of discipling and mentoring in the local church. A study in biblical principles and methodology for developing, motivating and equipping people to become mature disciples.
MSEM 5241-43 – Directed Study (Discipleship) (3)
Designed to explore particular areas of importance and interest and open to students who have achieved a 3.0 average or above. Directed studies must be approved by the by the academic dean.
MSEM 5251 – Strategies for Church Growth (3)
This course is an introductory study of Church Growth beginning with the Biblical teachings on the subject. Also, it is a consideration of the history and characteristics of the Church Growth Movement. The course also looks at how theology relates to the Church Growth concept with an application of the study to the local church.
MSEM 5254 – Introduction to Church Planting (3)
This course provides an introduction to the church planting ministry from a biblical perspective by exposing and examining the elements of church planting drawn from a wide range of New Testament passages. Also, the course will explore ways of implementing biblical models and patterns within the present generation of believers.
MSEM 5291-93 – Directed Study (Church Planting) (3)
Designed to explore particular areas of importance and interest and open to students who have achieved a 3.0 average or above. The academic dean must approve directed studies.
MSMU 5391-93 – Directed Study (Music) (3)
Designed to explore particular areas of importance and interest and open to students who have achieved a 3.0 average or above. The academic dean must approve directed studies.
Pastoral Ministry:
MSPM 5401 – Pastoral Ministries (3)
A study of key areas of pastoral ministry designed to equip pastors to administer the day-to-day tasks of church ministry effectively.
MSPM 5407 – Leadership (3)
A comprehensive introduction to the subject of Christian leadership as well as a systematic study of the biblical philosophy of leadership; an in-depth analysis of each student’s identity, integrity, temperament, and spiritual gifts.
MSPM 5501 – Expository Preaching (3)
A study of the nature of biblical exposition and principles of message construction. Attention is given to the necessary materials of the message, methods of preparation, effective delivery, and problems of exposition. Emphasis is upon the accurate interpretation of the text and its relevant application to a contemporary audience.
An introduction to basic biblical communication theory and skills, emphasizing the preparation and delivery of a textually derived proposition with accuracy, interest, clarity, and relevance.
MSPM 5512 – Advanced Preaching (3)
An advanced-level preaching course in which homiletical theory and practical application are brought together. The course consists mainly of student preaching and peer evaluation and builds on the foundational principles covered in the Biblical Preaching and Teaching course. The goal is to enhance both the student’s theology of preaching and skills in sermon preparation and delivery.
MSPM 5516 – Exegesis to Exposition (3)
This course focuses on the relationship between exegesis and exposition, emphasizing what is involved in communicating one’s exegesis to God’s people.
MSPM 5601 – Pastoral Counseling (3)
An introduction to pastoral and church-related methods of counseling. Consideration is given to the scriptural background for counseling, the counselor and counseling, the counselee in counseling, the counseling process, and some of the most common problems that people face.
MSPM 5891-93 – Directed Study (Pastoral Ministry) (3)
Designed to explore particular areas of importance and interest and open to students who have achieved a 3.0 average or above. The academic dean must approve directed studies.
Biblical Theology:
TSBT 6001 – Spiritual Life (3)
This course is a practical study of the biblical principles and practices that develop Christian character and service, with emphasis on the primacy of the Scriptures and the building of devotional life, as well as challenges in the Spiritual Life. The goal is a personal devotional method which can be used throughout your life.
TSBT 6004 – Bible Study Methods (3)
A directed study of the principles of the literal-grammatical-historical (L-G-H) system of biblical interpretation, with guided practice in using those principles in interpreting representative passages.
Designed to aid the inquiring Bible student. Students will develop effective study techniques enabling them
to make appropriate application of biblical truths.
TSBT 6005 – Bible-Based Hermeneutics (3)
Bible-Based Hermeneutics is a literal-logical-historical-grammatical hermeneutic that requires and insists upon total scriptural substantiation. This textbook was developed by the Foundation for Biblical Research (FBR). Its philosophy is based on the biblical doctrine of verbal, plenary inspiration.
TSBT 6006 – Advance Hermeneutics (3)
A detailed study of the principles of the consistent literal-grammatical-historical (L-G-H) system of biblical interpretation, with guided practice in using those principles in interpreting representative passages.
TSBT 6008 – Advanced Bible Based Hermeneutics (3)
Bible-Based Hermeneutics is a literal-logical-historical-grammatical hermeneutic that requires and insists upon total scriptural substantiation. This textbook was developed by the Foundation for Biblical Research (FBR). Its philosophy is based on the biblical doctrine of verbal, plenary inspiration. (Prerequisite: TSBT 6005).
TSBT 6012 – New Testament Theology (3)
A directed study of the New Testament from the standpoint of the contributions of the various authors of that portion of the Bible, looking at each author as a “voice” which makes its unique contribution to the completed canon of Scripture. (Prerequisite: BSBI 2002).
TSBT 6021 – Johannine Theology (3)
A study of the contribution to theology by the writings of the apostle John.
TSBT 6024 – Pauline Theology (3)
A study of the contribution to theology by the writings of Paul, the apostle.
TSBT 6091-93 – Directed Study (Biblical Theology) (3)
Designed to explore particular areas of importance and interest and open to students who have achieved a 3.0 average or above. The academic dean must approve directed studies.
Christian Thought:
TSCT 6101 – Apologetics (3)
A systematic presentation of the objective evidence which supports Christianity’s claims. The course is designed to give intelligent and convincing answers to questions and objections raised about the Christian faith. The evidence is presented to answer two fundamental questions which Christians are frequently asked: “Does God exist?’ and “Is the Bible reliable?” Many arguments and answers for today’s critics are explained and simplified. The student is equipped to follow Peter’s injunction, “be ready to give an answer (apologia) to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3.15).
TSCT 6104 – Advanced Apologetics (3)
This course is devoted to an in-depth study of the varieties of apologetic methodology, and a thorough investigation of presuppositionalism and comparative epistemologies including logical analysis.
TSCT 6107 – Logic (3)
A study of the major divisions of traditional logic: Categorical (categorical syllogisms with proofs of validity), Truth-Functional (truth tables, rules of replacement and inference and formal proofs), and Informal (induction, scientific reasoning, informal fallacies).
TSCT 6111 – Critical Thinking (3)
This course is an introduction to the disciplined mental processes of discernment, analysis, and evaluation that transcend subject matter divisions. Specific attention is given to rhetorical devices, informal fallacies, and propaganda techniques. This course includes an introduction to deductive and inductive reasoning processes.
TSCT 6114 – Developing a Christian Worldview (3)
A study into the comparison of major worldviews and the development of a consistently Christian worldview using both general and special revelation.
TSCT 6119 – Creation And Worldview (3)
This course examines definition and significance of a creationist perspective as it relates to understanding the truth, and offers a comparison/contrast of non-creationist viewpoint.
TSCT 6122 – World Views And Origins (3)
This course begins by examining two competing worldviews: atheism and biblical theism. The tenets of each worldview, as well as their underlying philosophical assumption, are examined to provide a basis for understanding the conclusions each worldview will draw with respect to origins. Since origins dealt with the biological nature of life, it is necessary to introduce enough biology to understand the argument over origins and to draw an excellent scientific conclusion concerning origins. The course concludes with an exegesis of Genesis 1.
TSCT 6128 – Issues in Ethics (3)
This study of issues relevant to contemporary ethics including Moral Relativism, the Legislation of Morality, Gender Roles and the Bible, Truth and Postmodern Thought, Sanctity of Life in Modern Society, and others. May be taken more than once as topics vary.
TSCT 6131 – Introduction to Philosophy (3)
A study from a biblical perspective of the major philosophical areas, such as ontology, epistemology, and linguistics, with special emphasis on traditional philosophical problems and Christian answers.
TSCT 6191-93 – Directed Study (Christian Thought) (3)
Designed to explore particular areas of importance and interest and open to students who have achieved a 3.0 average or above. The academic dean must approve directed studies.
Church History:
TSCH 6207 – Survey of Church History (3)
This course is an overview studying the history of the Christian Church. The course traces the church from its foundation to the present, focusing on significant leaders and events. Major periods of theological formation will be emphasized, including the Patristic period, the Middle Ages, and the Reformation and Counter-Reformation. The responses of Christianity to the Enlightenment and modern theories will be analyzed alongside the demise of Western Christianity and subsequent shift of power to eastern and southern nations.
TSCH 6291-93 – Directed Study (Church History) (3)
Designed to explore particular areas of importance and interest and open to students who have achieved a 3.0 average or above. The academic dean must approve directed studies.
Doctrinal Theology:
TSDT 6301 – Classical (Free) Grace Theology (3)
An introduction and in-depth overview of the distinctions and objections of grace (Faith Alone in Christ Alone) theology.
TSDT 6304 – Spiritual Gifts in the Church Today (3)
A study and synthesis of the New Testament teaching on spiritual gifts.
TSDT 6307 – The Doctrine of Eternal Rewards (3)
A comprehensive synthesis of the New Testament teaching on the Bema Judgment and the believer’s rewards for faithful service during the Church Age.
TSDT 6311 – Special Issues in Contemporary Theology (3)
An introduction to and critique of current issues in evangelical theology
TSDT 6314 – Contemporary Issues Regarding the Gospel (3)
A study of biblical and theological principles related to the doctrine of soteriology (salvation), with special emphasis on the influence of postmodern thought on the Gospel within American evangelicalism at large.
TSDT 6320-29 – Directed Study (Special Issues in Theology) (3)
Designed to explore particular areas of importance and interest and open to students who have achieved a 3.0 average or above. The academic dean must approve directed studies.
Dispensationalism & Messianic Theology:
TSDM 6354 – Messianic Prophecies of the Old Testament (3)
TSDM 6357 – Prophecy and Nation of Israel (3)
TSDM 6362 – New Testament Eschatology(3)
TSDM 6365 – Individual Eschatology (3)
TSDM 6368 – The Rapture and the Tribulation (3)
TSDM 6373 – Major Prophets (3)
TSDM 6376 – Minor Prophets (3)
TSDM 6381 – Daniel (3)
TSDM 6392- Revelation (3)
Systematic Theology:
TSST 6400 – Basic Theology (3)
This systematic theology course study is designed to help the student gain a firm grasp on the doctrines of the Bible. This textbook presents a systematic overview of such doctrines as God, the Bible, Angels, Satan, demons, Man, sin, Jesus Christ, Salvation, The Holy Spirit, The Church and future events to come.
TSST 6401 – Introduction to Systematic Theology I (3)
This course is the introductory course in Systematic Theology. Five major subjects are to be considered: Theology Proper, Bibliology, Angelology, Christology, and Pneumatology.
TSST 6402 – Introduction to Systematic Theology II (3)
This course is the introductory course in Systematic Theology. Five major subjects are to be considered: Anthropology, Hamartiology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology. This course, although a logical extension of TSST 6401, does not require TSST 6401 as a prerequisite.
TSST 6403 – Dispensationalism (3)
Dispensationalism: An introduction to the dispensational system of Bible interpretation will be made. Contrasts will be drawn with Covenant Theology and progressive dispensationalism.
TSST 6404 – Christology and Ecclesiology (3)
A study of the person and work of Christ from eternity as outlined in the Scriptures. A biblical and historical examination of the following areas of Christian theology: (1) The doctrine of Christ, including discussion of His full deity, sinless humanity, and His substitutionary atonement; (2 the hypostatic union; (3) the Church as the Body of Christ and its role and function in God’s eternal plan will be examined.
TSST 6407 – Soteriology (3)
Soteriology: A study of the doctrine of salvation with special attention given to the work of Christ, the nature and extent of the atonement, the terms of salvation, election, and human responsibility, the eternal security of the believer.
TSST 6412 – Sanctification and Pneumatology (3)
A study of the Person and work of the Holy Spirit, including discussion of His deity, personhood, and ministries to unbelievers, and to believers, with special emphasis on His sanctifying role in the life of the believer.
TSST 6415 – Angelology, Anthropology, and Hamartiology (3)
A study of angelology, the doctrines of the unfallen angels, the fallen angels, and Satan; anthropology, a study of the creation of humanity, the material and immaterial aspects of humanity, and the Fall of humankind; and original and personal sin
TSST 6418 – Dispensationalism and Eschatology (3)
Dispensationalism: An introduction to the dispensational system of Bible interpretation will be made. Contrasts will be drawn with Covenant Theology and progressive dispensationalism.
Eschatology: A study of eschatology, including an analysis of the biblical teaching concerning last things, a discussion of the coming of Christ, and other end times events from a pre-millennial perspective. The students will be given a comprehensive outline of the future events of God’s prophetic program. The major millennial views will be presented along with various views relating to the Rapture. Attention will be given to the unconditional covenants of the Old Testament.
TSST 6491-93 – Directed Study (Systematic Theology) (3)
Designed to explore particular areas of importance and interest and open to students who have achieved a 3.0 average or above. The academic dean must approve directed studies.
Research and Technology:
RSTE 6501 – Research Methods, Writing, and Technology (0)
A course designed to teach the serious student of the Word proper research methodology, graduate level writing skills, and the practical use of technology for creating graduate level papers and projects, following A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations by Kate L. Turabian. Methods for using technology to discover information appropriate to graduate work through the use of electronic databases, Internet resources, library collections, and information literacy are addressed. Purchase of Logos Software required.
RSTE 6520 – Interpreting Scripture Using Greek Tools (3)
An introduction to in-depth Bible study using Greek references, principles of Greek grammar, and a process of synthesis, analysis, and synthesis resulting in the student’s drafting of a commentary on a New Testament epistle. No prior Greek language study is required. This course is helpful and useful for any student of the Bible, regardless of the student’s knowledge level of the Greek language before the class.
Theological Research:
RSTE 6601 – Introduction to Research and Writing (0)
This is a introduction of basic research and writing skills that are required of graduate students. Topics include Library research, theological tools, internet research, Turabian formatting, writing a term paper, documenting sources, and common writing errors. RSTP 6800- Thesis Proposal (3) This course is the beginning of the capstone project for Master of Divinity candidates through which the student produces independent research and writing of a thesis on an approved topic under the supervision of his faculty advisor. The thesis proposal is comprised of a title, thesis statement, introduction that defines the need for the research, literature review, and methodology, with a preliminary annotated bibliography.
RSTP 6801 – Thesis Proposal (3)
Development of a thesis proposal and prospectus. Survey of existing research and delineation of tentative argument and preliminary bibliography. To be developed in consultation and under supervision of a faculty member as thesis advisor
RSTP 6802 – Thesis Project (3)
After the successful completion of the Thesis Proposal, the candidate completes the thesis under the guidance and supervision of the thesis advisor. After the advisor determines that the candidate’s dissertation is ready for defense, the student defends his or her thesis before the thesis committee. Students have up to three years to complete the thesis from the time of their first enrollment in this course. Prerequisite: RSTP 6800.
Monday – Wednesday
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. EST
1235 Edythe Ct, McDonough, GA, 30252, United States