Student Information


Semester System: 

Grace Biblical Seminary operates on a semester system. Fall semester concludes before Christmas, and the Spring semester finishes in the early weeks of May. The seminary also conducts a summer session following the Spring semester.


The unit of counting credit is the semester hour. One semester hour represents one credit hour of class work per week or its equivalent in other forms of class performance. Each three-hour course constitutes 14 to 15 weeks of classes, including the final exam week.

Academic Advising: 

Our academic advising staff is here to guide you while you work toward your degree at Grace Biblical Seminary. Students can set up an appointment to discuss their specific educational goals with an advisor and work with them to plan their class schedules. Phone advising is available for students.


Registration begins approximately six weeks before the start of a new semester. Early registration is encouraged. 

Transferring Credits:

Course credits with a minimum grade of “C” earned from an accredited or approved college or university, seminary, graduate school, or its equivalent are eligible for transfer to the extent that the courses are comparable to Grace Biblical Seminary’s stated requirements.


All transfer students must request previous academics institutions to mail an official transcript within 90 days of enrollment. To be evaluated for transfer credit, you must have an official transcript of your coursework sent to GBS. To be considered official, a transcript must be sent directly from the school to GBS. The transferability of credits earned at GBS is at the discretion of the receiving institution.


If the applicant provides an official college transcript(s) to GBS, a high school transcript is not needed.


The Master of Theological Studies Program: A maximum of 21 semester hours may be transferred toward the M.T.S. program from institutions not associated with free grace theology.


The Master of Divinity Program: A maximum of 45 semester hours may be transferred toward the M.Div. program from institutions not associated with free grace theology.


The minimum GPA allowed to transfer a course for credit is 2.0. 


Special consideration is giving to students transferring from “free grace” Bible colleges and seminaries.


Matriculating Student: Students who have formally applied and admitted into an academic program.

Full-Time Student: Students enrolled in three courses (9 credit hours) per semester.  Some students choose to take one course at a time and will give all their focus to that course before starting the second course. The full-time student is required to complete three courses in a semester (14–15 weeks).

Part-Time Students: Students enrolled in one course (3 credit hours) or two courses (6 credit hours) per semester.

Graduate Students Classification (M.Div.):

Junior: 0-29 credit hours 

Middler: 30-59 credit hours 

Senior: 60 credit hours and up


All academic work is graded according to the scale set forth below and is evaluated by a faculty member and assigned a letter grade. The grade point average (GPA) is a numerical representation of a student’s overall academic achievement. It is obtained by assigning point values to specific grades and multiplying these values by the number of semester hours received in that course. The total number of grade points earned for one semester or all semesters at Grace Biblical Seminary is divided by the total number of semester hours. Grades of I and WP are not assigned grade point values and are not used in the computation of the grade point average. A grade of WF is assigned a grade point value of zero (0). The grade point values are as shown in the following chart.

Grade Quality Points Definition: 

A+    4.0 grade points per semester hour
A      4.0 grade points per semester hour
A-     3.7 grade points per semester hour
B+    3.3 grade points per semester hour
B      3.0 grade points per semester hour
B-     2.7 grade points per semester hour
C+    2.3 grade points per semester hour
C      2.0 grade points per semester hour
C-     1.7 grade points per semester hour
D+    1.3 grade points per semester hour
D      1.0 grade points per semester hour
D-     0.7 grade points per semester hour

F      0.0 grade points per semester hour

Grade Explanation:

A- A A+ 

Superior work, subject mastery 

B- B B+ 

Good work, subject competence

C C+ 

Average work, subject familiarity


Poor work


Poor work

D D-

Unacceptable work


Unacceptable work, subject failure

The grading scale is offered only as a guideline. It may vary with faculty. Faculty members have the prerogative of adjusting their course grading system at their discretion.

I – Incomplete.

W – Withdrew from class during the first two weeks. No grade points are given, and GPA is not affected.

WP – Withdrew, passing after the first two weeks. No grade points are given, and GPA is not affected.

WF – Withdrew, failing after the first two weeks. No grade points are given, and GPA is negatively affected. 


Grade reports are issued at the end of the semester. The student’s copy of the grade report will be e-mailed or mailed within three weeks after the completion of the semester, at the address indicated on the Student’s application. Errors on the grade report other than grade errors should be reported to the Admissions Office within two weeks of receiving the grade report. 



Students who obtain a cumulative grade point average of 3.29 or higher will graduate with honors, as follows:


Summa Cum Laude: 3.70 to 4.33

Magna Cum Laude: 3.47 to 3.69

Cum Laude: 3.29 to 3.46


Students who graduate with honors will receive a notation on their academic transcript. No honors will appear on the degrees earned by a student.


An incomplete grade “I” is assigned for deficiencies as the result of illness or other emergencies. The grade will become an “F” if the coursework is not completed within two weeks following each semester, or within the time prescribed by the instructor.


The student’s quality grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total number of credit hours into the total number of quality points earned. Any proper withdrawal from a class does not affect the grade average. However, if a student fails to follow the correct withdrawal procedure, the resulting “F” grade will be recorded. 


If a student feels that there is an error on his grade report, he must begin the appeal process within thirty days of receiving the grade report. After thirty days the grade is considered final and is not subject to appeal by the student or any third party.


GBS is not responsible for lost tests, projects, etc. Please be sure to make a copy of all material before submitting material to GBS for grading or evaluation.

Students who question the appropriateness of the grade received for a course should contact the professor first. If, after contacting the professor, a student still is not satisfied with the result, they should contact the Academic Dean. After the meeting with the student and the professor, the Academic Dean will make a final decision concerning the student’s grade. 


A course may be repeated to raise a low grade, but credit for the course does not accumulate. The last letter grade earned by repeating a course is used to compute the Grade-Point Average. 


Students must have a basic grasp of English grammar. Any examination, report or term paper evidencing poor paragraph structure, incomplete sentences or spelling errors may result in a reduction of the student’s grade, regardless of content. All papers must be researched and written by the individual student and should conform to the standards outlined in M.L.A. or A.P.A., as determined by the professor. 


1. Makeup work for all absences is the student’s responsibility.

2. A student may not enter a class, take an unannounced or announced quiz at the beginning of the hour and then miss the remainder of the class. No credit will be given for examinations taken under such circumstances. Permission to take a scheduled quiz, test or exam early must be secured from the instructor.

3. The student is responsible for all class material even when absent. All assignments must be turned in on the due date. Assigned papers turned in late, for whatever reason, will be penalized at the discretion of the instructor.

4. Students may make up assignments and exams for illness, medical appointments and emergencies recognized by the instructor. 


Computer literacy is expected of students for term papers and other assignments. 


(1). Plagiarism

According to the American Heritage Dictionary, 2nd College Edition, plagiarism is defined as taking and using “as one’s own the writings or ideas of another.” Plagiarism shall include failure to use quotation marks or other conventional markings around material quoted from another source. Plagiarism shall also include paraphrasing a specific passage from a source without indicating accurately what that source is. Plagiarism shall further involve letting another person compose or rewrite a student’s written assignment.

(2). Falsifying Information

Falsifying information shall include forging a proctor’s name, submitting another’s work as one’s own, or otherwise providing false or misleading documentation.

(3). Other Forms of Academic Dishonesty

During examinations, academic dishonesty shall include referring to written information not explicitly permitted by the instructor or syllabus. It shall further include receiving unauthorized written or oral information from a fellow student or proctor. Academic dishonesty shall consist of stealing, buying, selling, or transmitting a copy of any examination.

Any student proved to have committed any of the above will receive an “F” for the course and will receive an academic warning. If the student is shown to have been guilty a second time, he or she will be expelled from the seminary. 


GBS reserves the right to require the withdrawal of or to deny re-admission to any student at any time if this action is deemed necessary to maintain the seminary’s ideals of scholarship and Christian standards. Dishonesty in any phase of college work, failure to give honest testimony to a seminary official or faculty member, disregard for the rights and safety of others, or any other un-Christian behavior may lead to dismissal.

GBS students are expected to maintain the highest Christian behavior both in the churches and the local community. Failure to live up to these standards will lead to appropriate disciplinary actions that may include dismissal.


Online & Distance Students:

Students enrolled in an online course must complete their course within six months of their enrollment date.

Under unusual circumstances, the student, in consultation with the course instructor, may be granted a three-month extension to complete coursework. The student must initiate all such requests. 


A student must have a grade point average of 2.0 or higher to be considered in good standing. Any student receiving an “F” or “I” must contact the Dean of Students for further instructions.


  • Academic Warning – Any student who receives a grade of C- and below for a course will receive an academic warning. 
  • Academic Probation – Students whose total grade point average falls below 2.00 will be placed on academic probation for the next semester in which they are enrolled. These students will be permitted to enroll for a maximum of six hours, and possibly less, if so advised
  • Academic Suspension – Failure to attain a semester average of 2.00 in a semester of academic probation will result in immediate suspension as a student at Grace Biblical Seminary for six months following the suspension.
  • Final Suspension – A student who is readmitted after a suspension will be placed on Academic Probation. Failure to maintain a 2.00 average in any semester of academic probation following a suspension will result in immediate and permanent suspension.
  • Readmission – A student who has been placed on final suspension is eligible to apply for re-enrollment no earlier than one calendar year (two semesters and a summer session) following the suspension. Requests for reinstatement must be addressed in writing to the Office of the Registrar. A student readmitted after suspension will enroll under academic probation.


GBS maintains a variety of records relating to students. The Administration Office retains the official file, which includes the student’s original application for admission, recommendation forms, transcripts and other pertinent information. These records are available to faculty and staff who have legitimate educational interests.

Educational records are released to outside individuals or agencies only with the student’s written permission. The only exceptions are those specifically required in Section 438 of the General Provision Acts. 


Transcripts for all former and current students are issued upon receipt of a written request, signed by the student. Request by telephone is not accepted. The Admission Office does not fax transcripts. Transcript requests are processed in the order in which they are received. 

The standard processing time is 3-5 business days; however, during peak times and registration, this period may be longer. Official transcripts will be sent to the address indicated on the request.

Transcripts mailed to students will be stamped “Issued to Student.” Official transcripts bear the signature of the Registrar and the school seal. Your transcript is the record of your accepted transfer credit and your classes at Grace Biblical Seminary. This entire document will be sent. Partial transcripts are not issued. Transcripts from other schools are not released. These must be obtained directly from that institution.


No transcript will be issued until all financial, administrative, and academic requirements have been fully met by the student. Transferability of credits earned at Grace Biblical Seminary and transferred to another institution is at the discretion of the receiving institution. GBS does not release student’s academic, financial records, or personal information unless the student completes a written consent form.



The following requirements must be completed to receive a degree, diploma, or certificate:

  • Completion of all coursework and assignments.
  • A minimum cumulative GPA (Undergraduate – 2.0 / Master’s level – 2.5 / Doctoral level – 3.0)
  • Fulfillment of all financial obligations
  • Adherence to biblical standards and ethics in living one’s lifestyle

Upon completion of all academic requirements, the degree will be awarded to the graduate. Degrees for distance education students will be forwarded to the graduate, after being awarded by proxy, if the graduate is unable to attend the graduation ceremonies. 


Refunds for Credit Courses:

In case of withdrawal after registration, a written request from the student is required (the dates will be determined from the first day of class and the date of the request to withdraw from a course) to receive a prorated refund of his or her tuition.

    Week 1 – 80%

    Week 2 – 50%

After the third week, no refund is given because commitments of the seminary have been finalized. Tuition refunds will be credited to the students account when the student has an outstanding financial obligation. If no financial obligation exists, the student will be issued a refund check.


Application fees, online technology fees, tuition from ACSI, transient credit courses and audit courses are non-refundable.

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